Merry Christmas 2025

 Whew. That was a Christmas Eve to remember!

Little Lady's cold got progressively worse during the night. She probably woke up 10 times. A cough developed and that woke her up every hour on the hour. Then, after she saw I responded to her, she started waking up every 15 minutes to ask for things. This kid. 

I ended up sleeping on the couch and thanking the Lord that we don't do anything on Christmas but open gifts, eat, and hang out.

Despite the sickness, we still had a great day. There's no such thing as a bad Christmas. It sounds sappy, but when Christ's birth is the center of the season, it's impossible for it to go sideways. 

Plus, we were all together. 

Gabe was still giddy on Christmas morning and his enthusiasm was infectious. We all woke up at a reasonable time of 7-something and opened stockings and then gifts. Tim came over later for Christmas brunch and brought us some gifts he'd forgotten last night. 

Annual Tim shirt

A's Tim shirt

Ben's Tim shirt

Luke's big gift was a dresser made by Ben

All of my loves but Boy Cat

Gift from WA

Little Lady did pretty well considering she wasn't feeling well. No fever and the cough was better by the end of the day. She loved all of her new toys!


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