Eye Issues
I had a sudden eye issue flare up yesterday. It started with itching and redness and quickly progressed to swelling and pain, too. I tried Apis, Aconitum, Sabadilla, Histaminium, Hyper, Ars. Alb, Rhineallergy....eye drops, Benadryl, aspirin, tylenol, Ibuprofen...Nothing helped. So I ended up with another trip to the ER.
No scratches, to tears, no foreign object in the eyes. Just an infection.
The pain was awful so the dr prescribed me Vicodin and the nurse "accidentally" left out the numbing drops. The vicodin took the edge off and when the pain got too bad I used the drops. We arrived back home at about 2am and got to bed by 3.
I was able to get into an eye dr the next morning and she prescribed me a different ointment and that began clearing things up right away. I've had to wear only my glasses, but the pain is mostly gone and the other symptoms are greatly improved.
Here's hoping there won't be another E.R. trip anywhere in my near future! I went almost 20 years and then had to go twice within 6 months!
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