
 Well, not quite, but...

Poor Girl Cat! We got her into the vet and it turns out she had two teeth going bad. She had to go back in to have them pulled and they discovered that she's already lost 4 others. I was stunned and so sad for her. 

To back up...she was being very quiet and reclusive right around the time we brought Baby Cat home. We didn't think much of it. Then she had a horrible poo that was very alarming. I knew she's been in the kitten kibble so I still wasn't alarmed, but I was concerned. Then she started hiding under the couch. I knew from experience that cats will hide in unusual places when they are really, truly sick, but because it all coincided with Leo's presence, I was still thinking she might just be upset with us. 

All that changed when she started doing odd things with her mouth including an odd clicking/grinding of teeth. We took her in and the vet said she was going to do a dental exam and cleaning on her. So we scheduled that for later in the week, but it got messed up because I accidentally fed her the morning of. I felt terrible.

The exam and extraction took place and we were sad to learn that she'd lost several other teeth. I hate to think she's been in pain like this before and we didn't know and weren't able to help her. Poor girl. 

She's back home now and should be recovering on the next week. 

At least she's not hiding!


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