
The city of St. Louis is under a mandatory quarantine for 30 days, while St. Louis county is looking at 2 weeks. All essential places will remain open; grocery, hardware, and pet supply stores, banking and financial institutions, construction, anything healthcare related, and any business that is necessary to the support of those businesses. Restaurants are allowed to remain open as long as they do curbside pick up.

Ben's been busy. He had a lull last week when people weren't sure what to think or do. Now he's busy getting last-minute Larry's set up with remote access. He can do most of it from home and when he does go out at least the schools are empty. It's a pretty good gig, thankfully.

I'm now sick with the same things the boys have. Like them, it's fairly mild. Not fun, by any means, but also not dangerous. Runny nose, productive cough. That's about it.

Despite the sickness, my mom did come up for a bit. Her 60th birthday was on Saturday and she needed human connection for a bit. She's been staying away from my sister and her crew so that she doesn't get them - and especially the baby - sick.

We watched a church service online Sunday, and had communion as a family. I've felt like I'm handling this whole thing pretty well, but I really choked up when I saw the worship team appear on the feed. I miss corporate church and our dear friends.

Anyway, life goes on. Spring is slooooowly making it's debut here. It's sort of a two-steps-forward-one-step-back sort of situation, but it IS happening. Here's proof.


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