Thrift Store Scores: Basket, Cute Clothes, Hotwheels
I had to get out of the house for a bit today. Decided to head to Goodwill and another thrift store here in town. I didn't come away with a lot, but am really happy with what I did get!
[caption id="attachment_450" align="alignnone" width="178" caption="Basket for recyclables "]
We've been needing a basket for our recyclables for years and I just never got around to it. Most bins and trashcans are big or ugly. A friend uses a basket and I loved that idea. This basket was just $2.
[caption id="attachment_451" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Cute top, cute shorts, cute bag"]
I guess purple was the color of the day - which is fine by me! I found this cute top, for a couple of bucks. The shorts look like they've never been worn, and the bag looks like's it's barely been used!
We also found some Matchbox cars, NIB, for just fifty cents each, and an Usborne Books magic kit that Luke and Ben are so excited about. Overall, good day of thrifting!
[caption id="attachment_450" align="alignnone" width="178" caption="Basket for recyclables "]
We've been needing a basket for our recyclables for years and I just never got around to it. Most bins and trashcans are big or ugly. A friend uses a basket and I loved that idea. This basket was just $2.
[caption id="attachment_451" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Cute top, cute shorts, cute bag"]
I guess purple was the color of the day - which is fine by me! I found this cute top, for a couple of bucks. The shorts look like they've never been worn, and the bag looks like's it's barely been used!
We also found some Matchbox cars, NIB, for just fifty cents each, and an Usborne Books magic kit that Luke and Ben are so excited about. Overall, good day of thrifting!
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